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Thanks for dropping by my webpage. I hope you enjoy the experience. Check out the "Author" page for a bio, the "Musings" page for an infrequently updated journal, the "Page of Webbing" for some other bits and bobs that interest me, and the "Writings" page for some examples of my literary greatness.

Random Musings Begin Here

Entry 001; 04 June 2015 - Stardate 68888.9

Had an encounter with an a**hole motorcyclist today. I was coming home from school, on 52nd Ave., in the travel lane doing the speed limit, and this &#*%!#&&$* on some straight-piped stripped down sportbike comes up behind me and blows by considerably faster in the oncoming lane. When I confronted him at the light, he had the stones to give the douchiest answer ever: "Durr I usually go about double the limit huehuehuehue" with accompanying engine revs, screaming off down the road on green. I swear, it's people like him that give motorcycling a bad name; that and the idiot squids that decide go get Gixxer Hayabusas and wear jean shorts and a wifebeater as their only gear. End rant. Other than that, I successfully avoided death another day. End of line.

Entry 002; 09 July 2015 - Stardate 68985.2

Started my first paid job yesterday. I got to sit in an office for eight hours putting data into a database. That was fun - for about an hour, until the novelty wore off. I did earn around $70 for it, though. And I'll earn another $70-something today. I think that the most difficult bit of this job is going to be the tedium, but I'll get used to it. End of line.

Entry 003; 13 October 2015 - Stardate 69248.4

Riding a motorcycle is an experience shared by many but understood by only a select few. There are people I know who know nothing about the sport yet deride it like the Devil himself created it. Even some fellow riders consistently mock the values supposedly instilled in them by the MSF course. I would liken it to being part of an elite club, but when there are so many idiots straddling Gixxers and Hayabusas with what amounts to naught but a few rags as their only protective gear, I must instead classify it as nothing more than recreation. If one were to remove the stupidity from the equation, you are left with a group of like-minded people who form a community that looks out for not only its members but others. This is where groups like B.A.C.A International, Blue Knights M.C. and H.O.G. really shine, because they utilize that sense of camaraderie to better the community. Even the Hell's Angels aren't all that bad these days. However, the old saying goes "Most bikers are nice but that d*mn one percent gives everyone a bad name", and even I'm not above criticizing another rider on his riding, whether he is being unsafe, acting rude, or just plain (excuse my language) riding like a complete butt-munching douchebag. End of line.